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Learn about me as the author of this series.

The Map >

World Map of Mieraud

Book One >

Genesis of Gleipnir

Book Two >

Apostasy In Aporlan

Book Three >

Maelstrom Upon Mieraud

About Me!

Hello Everyone,

My name is Alexander Aviles, and I can't thank you enough for visiting my page. I hope you enjoy the website which I built myself and details the novels that make up the book series which I have written myself. Well what's written so far at least. I came up with the idea for the series over winter break my senior year of high school. Then, with the time I acquired from COVID-19, I dedicated the following 4 months writing my first ever novel: Genesis of Gleipnir.

Eventually, I will finish writing the series. But for the time being, I hope you find interest enough to purchase and enjoy the first book!